Thank you BHP
Posted on January 15, 2020

Families and Staff at SOTA would like to thank BHP for their commitment to provide funding to “Assisting SOTA students and families to attend face-to-face events despite the drought” for 2020 and 2021. This funding will be essential in enabling families to attend SOTA face-to-face events through the year so students can take part in new activities and opportunities despite the terrible seasonal conditions that the majority of families are currently dealing with.
Funds will be used to reduce the costs passed on to families for students to take part in face-to-face events and ensure these events include worthwhile activities that enhance children’s learning. The events included are
· End of Year Get-Together 2019
· Induction Week 2020
· SOTA School Camp 2020
· School Experience Week 2020
· Mini-Schools 2020
Once again thank you BHP for your continued commitment and support to the SOTA community.