Past SOTA Stars
Posted on January 01, 2020

Term 2 Week 7
Reception - Annastasia for adapting well to her new learning environment and encouraging others to chat before class.
Year 1 - George for his can do attitude in perseverance in all areas of his learning.
Year 2 - Magenta for always being an active participant in all WebEx lessons and giving 100%.
Year 3 - Cody for keeping up with his work and trying hard and succeeding in improving his writing and never say ‘never’ attitude
Year 4 - Samuel for actively taking part in lessons and keeping up with the class work.
Year 5/6 - Elke for devoting so much time to mathematics.
Year 7 - Isabel for active participation in WebEx lessons, often by providing fun facts.
Term 2 Week 5
Reception - Bonnie for her positive attitude to all learning tasks.
Year 1 - Thomas for his growing confidence to put up his hand in WebEx lessons.
Year 2 - Nelson for his perseverance and can do attitude in our guided reading lessons.
Year 3 - Katie for trying new things and actively participating in class discussions.
Year 4 - Abby for actively taking part in lessons and keeping up with the class work.
Year 5/6 - Willow for adapting so well to the online teaching environment and for participating in lessons.
Year 7 - Lily for active participation in WebEx lessons.
Term 2 Week 3
Reception – Tilly for taking pride in all of her learning.
Year 1 – George for using his number line to assist him in solving subtraction problems independently.
Year 2 – Lachie for using his voice effectively in our Reader’s Theatre lessons, bringing the roles he plays to life.
Year 3 – Sebastian for trying new things and actively participating in class discussions.
Year 4 – Samuel for actively taking part in lessons and keeping up with the class work.
Year 5/6 – Todd for the regular submission of neat, written work.
Year 7 – Hayden for submitting comprehensive videos to show the completion of assignments.
Term 2 Week 1
Reception - Jase for always being punctual and having positive attitude to all learning tasks.
Year 1 - Tiarna for settling in nicely to SOTA and showing a positive attitude towards her learning.
Year 2 - Mareike for returning to term 2 with enthusiasm and maintaining her exceptional ethic shown from term 1.
Year 3 - Micah for trying new things and actively participating in class discussions.
Year 4 - Abby for actively taking part in lessons and keeping up with the class work.
Year 5/6 - Logan for returning of a pile of worksheets (completed offline) for marking.
Year 7 - Jessica for frequently volunteering to read out WebEx slides.