Message from Julie Taylor (on behalf of Casey Hall)
Posted on July 27, 2018

Welcome back to term 3 and I trust you all had a restful and safe vacation period.
Head of Campus
As you are aware, Casey Hall has been appointed to this position for the remainder of this year. Unfortunately, due to some unexpected leave, she won’t be able to take up the position until the beginning of week 4.
In the meantime, I have been working with the Department for Education on strategies we may be able to use when advertising this position in readiness for 2019. I will provide an update on this at the next OPFA meeting.
Direct Phone Numbers to staff
Over the vacation period both campuses of OAC had a phone upgrade. This means that all SOTA staff now have a direct line. You will see this direct number in the signature block in emails you receive from your child’s teacher. When teachers aren’t available to take calls, you will be able to leave a message. Teacher’s will check message a couple of times per day and return calls.
Term 3 Pupil free and closure day
Please note there will be a pupil free day on Thursday 23rd August. Teachers will be participating in ongoing professional learning with Lee Crocket on this day. SOTA teachers will remain at the SOTA campus and engage in the PD via Video Conference and work with their Marden primary years colleagues during breakout sessions.
This year’s School Closure Day is on Friday 31st August.
Student Absences
To clarify some questions that have been raised regarding how student absences are recorded please note the following;
- 1) When students participate in an alternative approved educational activity, their absence from SOTA lesson is marked with the “G” code. This means it does not actually count in the “absent” figures.
- 2) If students are unable to attend a lessons due to a technical issue ie internet being down at either your station or at SOTA, as long as the teacher has evidence of the student still accessing their learning, then the student is marked as present.
- 3) If a student has been given a “exemption” from attending school eg for a family holiday, this is recorded as an “explained absence” and still counts as an absence. This is a Department for Education requirement.
It is the responsibility of the class to mark the class roll for each lesson. Hence, please ensure you advise your child’s teacher of any absence and the reason why so the roll can be marked accurately and the reason for absence recorded.
We will continue to send automated emails when an unexplained absence is recorded in Daymap.