Student Achievers - Grace Hollow
Posted on December 31, 2019

My name is Grace Hollow.
I live in a farming community in the Mid North of a South Australia, near a town called Gladstone.
I enjoy looking after some of the animals that we have on our farm, playing netball and reading.
My experience at OAC
I was home-schooled up until year 10, when I started doing my SACE subjects through OAC.
To begin with, I had difficulties adapting to new technologies, such as Moodle, WebEx and Daymap.
It was a steep learning curve as I had little experience with computers and struggled with basic things like saving a word document as a Pdf or creating an Excel graph. Once I had overcome the technological barriers, however, learning through Open Access College proved an interesting and enjoyable experience.
I completed PLP and Year 11 English through OAC in Year 10, before commencing a full workload in Year 11, when I also completed Year 12 English Studies.
At OAC I appreciated the flexibility in the subjects that I was able to study and when I was able to study them. For instance, there were no difficulties raised when I wanted to complete the Research Project in Semester 1 of Year 11.
Initially, I found it difficult to be disciplined in my studies, but I soon discovered that it was essential to get started on any homework or assignments as soon as I received them, otherwise it was very easy to fall behind. I have also learned that it is important to ask for assistance from teachers straight away, instead of waiting until the next lesson to ask for help.
All in all, studying at Open Access College has taught me to become self-motivated and disciplined, to work efficiently and to plan time effectively.
And today
I am currently completing Year 12 through Open Access College. While I am undecided as to what I will do in the future, I am studying Maths Studies and Specialist, Physics and Chemistry this year, so that I can keep my options open for the possibility of future study.