Student Achiever - Jay
Posted on June 01, 2021

One of our Student Achievers, Jay is a Curriculum Choice student who has demonstrated a great deal of passion and commitment to his art. This was on display when he recently travelled 4 hours to attend our Art Come in Day. His dedication paid off earlier this year when he received first place in the Youth 13-16 category in the Kangaroo Island Easter Art Exhibition On the Edge. The prize winning artwork was created for his SACE Visual Study, where Jay has been exploring the techniques and style of Australian artists Reg Mobassa.
Jay was kind enough to share his experience of studying at OAC
'I came to enrol at the OAC due to a clash with my other face-to-face lessons at school. I had been planning to study visual arts in stage 1 for a few years - OAC enabled me to do so. I find that studying via WebEx can be challenging at times as it was something completely new to me and I didn't get that face-to-face communication with my teacher however this was made up for with easy communication and a supportive attitude.
Working online has also enabled me to attend class at times where I usually would not have, such as when I am unwell. I think that meeting new people and learning from that will benefit my overall confidence and willingness to communicate.' - Jay