SA Student Citizenship Awards
Posted on October 26, 2017

On the 18th of October, Open Access College student Erin, along with 10 other student finalists from various SA schools, were presented with a Student Citizenship Plaque by His Excellency, the Governor, The Honourable Hieu Van Le AC, at Government House, Adelaide, in the presence of his wife, Mrs Lan Le, distinguished guests, students’ family members and staff. Each student was recognised for his or her contributions to the school and our community. The winner of the 2017 Student Citizen of the Year Award was from Keith Area School.
Earlier in the year, Ken Coventry, OAM, Branch Chairman of the SA Branch of the Order of Australia Association, encouraged SA school staff to nominate students for the SA Student Citizenship Awards. This year, 56 South Australian students were nominated for the Award.
OAC teacher, Tina Cozens, nominated Erin and another Open Access student Brandon, for their excellent contributions to their communities. Erin is heavily involved in, and devoted to, World Guiding, Scouting and St John’s - all of which contribute significantly to the community and help people in need. As a leader in each group, she leads by example and strives to ensure that other members are physically active, learn survival and camping skills, citizenship training, first aid and career preparation all of which not only help those individuals, but also help them give back to their community.
Brandon’s voluntary work as a St John Cadet over the past 6 years highlight his commitment to a highly respected community group, and to providing service and devotion to that group and to the local community. In December, an Australian Honours’ recipient and member of the Association, will present Brandon with his certificate at our Awards Ceremony.
Both Erin and Brandon are to be congratulated for their nominations, for their loyal service to their chosen service groups and for managing their studies as students of Open Access College.
There are many students who serve and contribute in many ways to their communities. Students are encouraged to share their contributions with others, including OAC staff, so that next year they may be nominated for the 2018 Student Citizenship Award which is based on the following criteria:
- Evidence that displays significant benefits for members of the school and/or general community.
- Demonstration of skills in organisation, management and communication.
- Initiative and concern demonstrated for the advancement or well-being of others. Outstanding citizenship displayed by assisting group(s) in need e.g. disadvantaged, elderly, homeless youth - over a period of time or by otherwise making a significant contribution to community development.
- Demonstrated pride in Australian citizenship.
Tina Cozens