Open Access College celebrates World Mental Health Day
Posted on October 17, 2018
It was World Mental Health Day on 10 October. The theme was Do You See What I See?
This idea challenges perceptions about mental illness in Australia and encourages everyone to look at mental health in a more positive way, in an effort to reduce stigma and make way for more people to seek the help and support they deserve.
Open Access College is committed to shining a positive light on mental health in the community.
At our morning tea at the end of term 3, staff at Open Access College celebrated World Mental Health Day, many of us making “Mental Health Promises”. Some of these promises were:
- “I will check in with my mates and let them know I’m here to listen”
- “I will share ideas about maintaining mental wellbeing with my colleagues”
- “I will reach out to people in my community and remember that one in five may be experiencing mental illness”
- “I will look at mental health and those experiencing mental illness in a more positive light”
We posted some of these promises to the World Mental Health Day website. If you would like to post your own mental health promise, you can still do so here:
Stigma around mental illness due to misunderstanding or prejudice remains an issue in Australia, delaying or preventing people from wanting or feeling able to seek help, and impacting adversely on their lives.
But we can no longer ignore the impact that mental health has on our society. In fact, did you know that mental health is the number one reason people visit the GP?
Visit the Mental Health Australia website to learn more about the concept of Do You See What I See?
Left: Deputy Principal Jeane Schocroft, and Principal Julie Taylor hold Mental Health Promises at morning tea;
Right: One of the promises made on the day.
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