New Books Created By Hazel and Jahzara
Posted on December 08, 2020

In Term 4, students in both my TLC and R-2B classes were invited to retell a story using all their senses of smell, taste, sight, sound and touch. We followed the guide provided in the Seven Steps Writing a Recount program to support us to use our imaginations to write in this way.
Last term we viewed a narrative by the same author and illustrator, David Wiesner, called Tuesday about frogs flying. This term we viewed another completely visual text called Flotsam and used his illustrations as inspiration to retell this story using our senses. These two works by Hazel in Year 2 and Jahzara in Year 5 are wonderful examples of students recount narrative writing.
Merrilee Wallis
Flotsam by Jahzara

Flotsam By Hazel