
Middle Years Excursion

OAC Website T3

Adelaide Zoo / AFL Max

Hello Middle Years Parents,

As your young people heard in Care Group today, we have two back-to-back excursions coming up on the 15th and 16th of August (Thursday and Friday Week 4)! We’re really excited and would love to see as many of our students as possible join us for these events. They are welcome to attend either or both.

Thursday 15th August: AFL Max

We’ll be heading to AFL Max to get move our bodies and learn a bit more about how movement helps keep us healthy in body and mind.

Friday 16th August: Adelaide Zoo

We’ll be off to the Adelaide Zoo to have a bit more of a relaxed wander around, see the animals and learn about the world around us.

Please review the attached letters for each excursion, which include details on location, timing, cost, and what to bring. If your young person would like to attend, please complete and return the consent forms via email to Student.Services805@schools.sa.edu.au by the end of Week 3, Friday 9th August.

If your child is feeling unsure about attending, please reassure them that we are aware of our many students who face challenges such as anxiety, sensory issues, and communication difficulties, which can make in-person events daunting. We are experienced in supporting students who need support to get involved and others who may need a calm space to be able to regulate in. We will have strategies in place on the day to ensure all students feel comfortable and supported.

Looking forward to seeing your young people there!


Harry Smith and Ruby Easthope-Swann
7-9 Year Level Managers

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Last updated: 25 July 2024