
Issue 5 of Access Gazette

Access gazette 5 website

In This Issue:

  • Creative writing pieces: short stories
  • Learn some school strategies to help you at OAC
  • Space news and science facts
  • A great recipe for muffins and a chicken stir fry
  • Amazing artwork and photography!

Thank you to the Gazette Team and contributors for this edition!

Gazette Team

  • Todd (Year 7)
  • Elodie (Year 7)
  • Tayla (Year 7)

Student Contributors to this edition

  • Catherine (Year 2)
  • Todd (Year 7)
  • Elodie (Year 7)
  • Tayla (Year 8)
  • Issy (Year 8)
  • Aida (Year 10)
  • Daniel (Year 12)
  • Noah (Year 11)
  • Madz (Year 11)

Teacher Team

  • Gabrielle Mundie
  • Kieran Hodgson
  • Kristy Evans
Documents & Downloads

Last updated: 14 December 2022