
Book Sale 'n' Swap


A fundraiser run by your Student Voice team to help with Open Access College senior jumpers

Where: Outside of the Library and Hall on campus (Marden)

When: Tuesday 30th of July from 10:00am-3:00pm

(On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday it continues in the Library in a condensed version)

What: Books, Comics, Magazines, CDs and DVDs for selling, buying or swapping

Prices: $5 DVDs, $4 Books, $4 CD, $2 Comic or Magazine

How: If you would like to donate books you can drop off items to the library (letting them know they are for the sale ‘n’ swap) on any school day in school hours leading up to the event or on the morning of the 30th from 9:00-10:00 before the event starts

If you would like to buy or swap any items come on the day, bring cash and see what you can find!

Last updated: 14 August 2019