Berri Student Connection Day
Posted on October 19, 2023

All Open Access College students in Berri and the surrounding area are invited to join us for a day to connect with their school and peers!
There will be a range of activities on the day, including:
- Marshmallow Shooter design challenge
- Creating calming jars
- After-school pathways counselling
(Please note: specific activities will be determined by how many students attend on the day and their specific needs)
Date: Thursday, 9th November
Time: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m
Location: Berri Education Office | 3 Kay Avenue Berri SA 5343
Drop off and pick up near the front door on Kay St. See attached map for further details.
Financial assistance is available for students where Open Access College is the enrolling school and who live 80km from Adelaide CBD to attend face to face events.
What to Bring:
- Lunch/snack – BYO, there will be a break during the day.
- Water bottle
Please refer to the attached consent form for further details.
Return the completed consent form and media consent to by Monday 30th of October.
Photos may be taken at this event and published on our website and Facebook page. If you have returned a media consent form at enrolment for 2023, you do not have to return another. You can check whether we have a media consent form on file via Daymap Connect Parent Portal.
As a reminder, please do not attend if you are feeling unwell and/or have cold and flu like symptoms.
Please contact Liz Fairey if you have any queries or concerns via or by telephone on 08 83093735.